Donor Organization: European Union (EU)

Exeuctive & Partner Organization: 

  • Executive: Solomon Islands Red Cross
  • Partner: NDMO


“Together Becoming Resilient” 3 (TBR3) is a project implemented by Solomon Islands Red Cross with a support from the French Red Cross. Following the evaluation of TBR1 and TBR2, SIRCS and FRC have been working in 18 communities in the current phase. This project is focusing on exit strategy and ensuring the sustainability at NS level as well as community level. Therefore capacity building activities are being emphasized at this stage. 

Location: Guadalcanal, Malaita and Western Province

Time Frame: 1st May 2013 - 31st July 2014

Total Cost/Budget: €318,343

Status: Ongoing

Sector: Disaster Risk Management

Expected Outputs/Outcomes:

To sustain  and replicate Red Cross CBDRR initiatives in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands by stronger inclusion of the CDC/VDRC in the government structure and building capacity of multilevel DRR stakeholders. 1. Commitment of CDC/VDRC in TBR1+2 villages has improved through increased self -reliance and stronger coordination link between local and provicial/islands authorities. 2. Local, Provincial and national DRR actors have increased capacities to replicate the TBR.

Contact Person(s):

  • Everlyn Fiualakwa, DRR officer, Solomon Islands Red Cross. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National Climate Change Policy: N/A

Amount of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A

Percentage of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A