Donor Organization: Denmark Government 

Exeuctive & Partner Organization: 

  • Executive: MEMRE, Energy Division through SPREP
  • Partners: SPCSOLGRIP/PACRICS PMO, Solomon Islands Health Dept and UNDP PGSP PMO/ Honiara office 


The specific objective of the SIDS DOCK PIGGAREP+ is low carbon development for Pacific SIDS through the deployment of renewable energy (RE) resources and promotion of energy efficiency (EE). To realize this objective, the PIGGAREP+ Project is designed to comprise of two components:

  1. Renewable Energy Technology Applications; and
  2. Energy Efficiency Technology Applications. 


  • Seghe, Afio, Taro, Atoifi, Sasamungga, Marau, yandina, Taro, Babanakira and Lata

Time Frame: 2014- June 2015

Total Cost/Budget: USD $485,000

Status: Ongoing

Sector: Energy

Expected Outputs/Outcomes: 

  1. Installation of 10 Solar PV power units for rural telecommunication systems at the PF net stations to provide reliable medium for communication in the rural community.
  2. Application of renewable energy efficiency.  

Contact Person(s):

  • Gabriel Aimaea (Deputy Director Energy), Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, (677) 21522 ext. 224

National Climate Change Policy: N/A

Amount of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A

Percentage of Project Budget Spent to Date: N/A